Who was before God?
We all have heard in young age a simple question,
"Egg came first or the hen?"
Answer usually given is that nobody can answer it.
Hence this blog to share the truth behind it.

Sat Guru Nanak Jee visited Bagdad , capital of IRAQ ,almost 500 years ago .Mr Gulam Abdul Kadir was the MAYOR then. He came to pay his respects in the evening with gifts of pearls etc since he had the knowledge that GURU NANAK had been to MAKKA which got rotated in the direction of rotation of his lotus feet since KAAZEE disliked the resting style with his feet pointing towards MAAKKA .

Baba Nanak did many other actions of service to humanity Like blessing good health to Mr Naorang Shah ( suffering from leprosy) in Village Depalpur District Mintgumri (now in Pakistan) . A Gurudwara has been made in the fond memory of that visit of Guru Nanak . GURU NANAK had made fruits of ” REETHA ” tree sweet since he sat under this tree & sang the glory of GOD. This tree is still green in Village NANAKMATTA in UTTAR PRADESH INDIA. Beauty is that on half side of this tree sweet fruits oREETHA” are there & whereas other sides have them still bitter as before etc……..
Guru Nanak eliminated the EGO of a living SAINT in Syalkot now in PAKISTAN named HAMJAGOSH since he had cursed the citizens of that town to die being great liars etc………………………..
Abdul Gulam Kadir
Mr Abdul Gulam Kadir asked/put four questions to Guru NANAK since he never got their answers from many SAINTS/SAGES who had visited him earlier. Sat Guru Nanak inspired him to be bold & frank to put the questions & added it will benefit the humanity as well . The four questions of his concern put up were the following:-
(1) WHO was before GOD?
(2) Where does he live?
(3) What is his profession to pass his time ?
(4) How to identify the true personality of a man/person if he is trustworthy?
To this Sat Guru NANAK responded in affirmative to answer them & said that the answers given by him will eliminate the doubts of the humanity & benefit them as well .
He advised Mr Abdul Gulam Kadir to come near him along with the plate of pearls brought by him as gift of LOVE. Baba NANAK Jee asked him to start counting the pearls . For which Mr A G Kadir started counting ……
one two three……..seven . Guru told him that he had forgotten the counting & asked him to count again .

Mr A G Kadir started the count again by saying one two three……..GURU held his hand & told him to start counting again . Mr G Kadir responded that he had not done any mistake . Any way he agreed to start counting again . The moment he started saying ONE , Guru Nanak questioned him again & asked him to count before ONE . Mr G Kadir replied ,” There in NONE before ONE!!!”
So Guru Nanak finally told him that there was NONE before GOD . GOD alone was there before the beginning of this great drama of the world/UNIVERSE came into existence . This answered satisfied him . However GURBANI of GURU GRANTH SAHIB reveals that for billions of years only GOD existed & that there was only ” DHUND” i.e. fog we observe during winter in morning & day time.
Sat Guru Nanak says ,
” Arbad Narbad Dhundkara…………………”
Gurbani of Bhagat NAAMDEV JEE clarifies & reconfirms ,
Gurbani confirms ,
” Arbad narbad dhundkara………..”
Name divine is the supreme power & is higher than GOD . Baba Namdev Jee enjoyed at all times the super powers of love of Naam.
NAAM is a state of enjoying infinite bliss of love of TRUTH .
GOD is infinite bliss of love of truth personified !!!!!!!

I asked this question to JULIE ANN BRADLEY from UK , an elderly spiritual lady during talk on SKYPE & she paused for a while & answered , ” GOD alone was there before GOD ” This confirmed to me that divine personalities are there all over the world . She is my friend on Face Book as well.
Modern scientists & NASA USA is spending billions of dollars to search the SPACE element of the UNIVERSE since many years but have succeeded in bringing a few kgs of soil from the MOON . However their big bang theory of the beginning of the planet/universe is also under all kinds of revision whereas Gurbani makes it amply clear about the issue .
Gurbani confirms ,
” Initially GOD was alone & enjoyed this loneliness (fog state) for billions of years . Thereafter , he desired create AIR . From air he created water. From water he created our mother earth . And he created 8.4 million creatures . 4.2 millions creatures are living in water & 4.2 million live creatures are living over the mother earth.”

Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
There is evidently a bundle to identify about this. I suppose you made certain good points in features also.