In humble memoriam of a dear friend who passed away too soon. ~ Major Ajeet Sing Mac Loved and missed by many ~
Author: Ajeet Sing Mac
ROLE OF GURU ( Facilitator of Guaranteed Success Approach)
Health Bliss Redifined
Health Bliss Redefined Human body consists of body matter , mind & soul (Energy) . It is made up of five elements i.e. Water , air , fire , earth & space . Bliss of health enjoyed by the body is of two types . Body grows into strong by doing good amount of exercise while enjoying it in the games field &…
Spiritual Science – part two
Spiritual Science – part two In spiritual science they are termed as five elements. Our body is a miniaturized universe since GOD has made his kingdom inside our spiritual heart . There are a total of 8.4 million types of creatures living on our planet & man is their only commander. GOD enjoys viewing this drama as a kind of time pass affair…
Science of spirituality
Science of Spirituality ( INTRODUCTION) Our physical existence in the world is in the operational control of mind . However we are also aware of the fact that body remains functional till the soul (Energy) lives in the heart. Mind is the child of soul . It gets into divine bliss state only after the electron size soul penetrates it while one is…
Artificial Bliss verses Divine Bliss
ARTIFICIAL BLISS VERSES DIVINE BLISS BLISS is word used for expressing the highest form of happiness to mind . If it is of a temporary nature , it is called artificial bliss. Mainly it is of five types. We all have five evils present inside our heart which are creating the darkness around the electronic size soul (Also termed as Energy…
Personal Hygiene
PERSONAL HYGIENE Importance of personal hygiene is well known to an angel , we all are aware of this fact. However it of a very little value to economically weak members of our society because they have to work as a laborer during the day . Though we find at some places in Haridwar city of Uttar Pradesh India that yogi do…
NAAM – Philosophy of Name Divine – Interfaith Dialogue
NAAM ( Philosophy of Name Divine ) ( INTERFAITH DIALOGUE ) Every reverend prophet of existing religion of humanity in the world over since its creation by GOD has enjoyed the treasure of Name Divine & shared it in abundance in love with members of the society. Accordingly they defined it & spread it in the area of their advent…
Infinite bliss of fearlessness personified – 2
Based on real life experience of blessings of love of Baba Deep Singh Jee Infinite bliss of fearlessness personified The following video is equally important to appreciate the personality of Dhan Dhan Baba DEEP SINGH JEE. 6 amazing facts about Shaheed Baba Deep Singh January 26, 2017 by khalsaf Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji was born on January 26, 1682.…
Infinite bliss of fearlessness personified – 1
Based on real life experience of blessings of love of Baba Deep Singh Jee Infinite bliss of fearlessness personified Baba Deep Singh Jee was born in village Pahuwind , District Amritsar, Punjab INDIA. His father was Bhagtu Jee & mother Jeonee Jee. He was fortunate to enjoy the glimpse & divine love of Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj at the…
Bliss of enjoying fearlessness
Bliss of enjoying Fearlessness We are passing through the week of celebrations in love of arrival day ( LIGHT of ARRIVAL ) of SAT GURU NANAK here as well as all over the world . The final day is 04 NOV 2017. Lord Sathya Sai Baba used to celebrate this day every year & during this day’s celebrations in the year 2010…
JOURNEY TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD Every individual in the world has a singular desire to solve the mystery of life which facilitates him to live in peace. The intensity of curiosity grows high specially in the young age while studying in College/University . Modern education is wonderful from the point of view of gaining employment but this phase of…
INNER ENGINEERING REDEFINED INNER ENGINEERING Inner engineering relates to development of the psychology of mind enjoying blissful state in our day today life. Our physical existence is a result of super powers of love of GOD with its control by the mind. Even though mind is the child of electron size soul but suffers from pollution created by the influence of five evils present…
The blessings of mother Mary
The blessings of mother Mary The blessings of mother Mary are manyfold. August is the month of her sacred and immaculate heart Mother Mary pray for us Mary, the mother of Jesus. The one to whom the angel Gabriel appeared blessed are thou woman amongst all woman
DHAN DHAN BABA Amar SINGH JEE ( NANAKSAR GURUDWARA SHANKAR ROAD NEW DELHI) ( ADJACENT TO SIR GANGA RAM HOSPITAL) 25 JUN 2017 Most Rev. Gurmukh Piareo JATHHEDAR SAHIBAN/PRESIDENT ALL NGOS (KHLSA COMMUNITY) WORLD OVER I feel strongly & desire to share with you my serious concern about our perceptions & concepts on the following issues with reference to spreading…
WHO WAS BEFORE GOD? – Asked Abdul Gulam Kadir to Guru Nanak
Who was before God? We all have heard in young age a simple question, “Egg came first or the hen?” Answer usually given is that nobody can answer it. Hence this blog to share the truth behind it. Sat Guru Nanak Jee visited Bagdad , capital of IRAQ ,almost 500 years ago .Mr Gulam Abdul Kadir was the…
Art of selling your mind
Art of selling your mind MIND is the child of soul . Body is under full control of mind . However the mind suffers from the influence of five evils present inside us. The mind thus is affected by the pollution created by the evils . This also gives rise to duality in our thought process of the mind . Duality…
BLESSINGS OF LORD KRISHNA I wish to share the most memorable incidence of my life when I was first blessed by Lord Krishna. Prior to my birth, my Rev. Mother had meditated on the powers of LOVE of Lord Krishna for over 7 months. My Rev. Mother strictly followed the principle of divine love of MATTA DEVKI as highlighted in GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE (THE…
The bliss of form – a living Guru
Mul Mantar Mool Mantar) is the first composition in the Sikh holy text and Great Living Guru, the Guru Granth Sahib, written in Punjabi. It is a series of affirmations The bliss of form – a living Guru Ek onkar satnam karta purakh Nirbau nirvair akaal murat Ajooni saibhang Gurprasaad The one reality (ik) Origin and source of everything The…
Art of conquering the mind
It is a well known fact that our existence in the world is a result of divine love of GOD . In biological science it is termed as body which is controlled by mind . GOD has been defined in a simple way . He is infinite bliss of love of truth personified & has made his kingdom in our…
Epitome of Love
GREETINGS ON GURPURAB ( 350 th Birthday) DHAN DHAN GURU GOBIND SINGH JEE MAHARAJ ( EPITOME OF LOVE ) Epitome of love Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj Jee’s arrival ,on our planet, as the light of LOVE of GOD exactly 350 years ago in the famous city Patna , Capital of the State of Bihar INDIA, was the greatest moment/event of…
How to practice 18 days of theraphy as a christian?
Dear & Rev. Friend It is nice to know your feelings & the simple technique of 18 days therapy affair in Love of Lord JESUS CHRIST . I appreciate this aspect of your personality indeed !!!! I wish to highlight that every noble person of your stature desire to reduce the existing gap or synchronise the wavelength of desire ,…
Mantra yog
mantra Yog Gurbani ,” Koyee jan harr so devey Jorr…’’ ( Anyone should connect me to GOD…..”) (18 days therapy to fall in LOVE of GOD) There is a strong need to spread the fragrance of Love of GOD in the society since people suffer from the bliss of love of materialism. Mind of a person suffers from pollution of…