Inner engineering relates to development of the psychology of mind enjoying blissful state in our day today life. Our physical existence is a result of super powers of love of GOD with its control by the mind. Even though mind is the child of electron size soul but suffers from pollution created by the influence of five evils present in the heart . Of these five evils , ego is the biggest evil & acts as a barrier for the soul to move to the space element of the body . Space element of the body is over the line of eyebrows in the forehead. Cosmos / universe is the creation of our beloved GOD & in its miniature size is the body. GOD has created this world as a big drama & he enjoys viewing it to pass his time. Hero group of people enjoy his love & villain group is devoid of it. Knowledge of inner engineering of the body is important since everyone desires to enjoy his love .
Website refers.
In the present era , we had enjoyed presence of His Holiness Sathya Sai Baba in the south & Baba Nand Singh Jee in the north . Two blogs have been posted on each of them separately in this website which highlight their divine love & blessings to the humanity . However it is important to appreciate the contributions to the society & governing system at local, national & international level through UNO on the YOGA day celebrated on 21 JUN 2017 by the founder of Isha Foundation i.e. Sadguru Vasudev Jaggi , a Yogi . The video links on U Tube are available on his approach to highlight the importance of understanding the meaning , importance & the knowledge of inner engineering . One such beautiful link is on conflict between science & religion i.e.
Sadguru Vasudev Jaggi is a highly knowledgeable person & has shared it at all kinds of platforms available in modern social media. He is a mystic as well as a great social scientist & carries with him a great sense of humor while interacting with different kinds of people. I congratulate him for being absolutely straight forward in sharing his independent views in a fearless & simple manner ………..Commendable indeed !!!!
Aim of this blog is to share the process of inner development from its source i.e. Electron size soul . It is the GOD particle or energy . Soul occupies a place inside our anatomical heart which facilitates the heart to purify & pump 2000 gallons of blood daily in the human body. The soul is the mother of mind . When it penetrates the mind with the grace of GURU , it gives bliss to the mind. Penetration is facilitated by the grace of GURU only after ego has been eliminated. Ego elimination is possible by taking an injection of GOD’S love . Details of the injection can be views on a blog available on the website . Service to humanity/society is very important aspect of life but only after enjoying a blissful state of mind.
Since electron size soul is a product of LOVE of GOD , it gets exploded ( without noise nor heat generation process )
by the lotus feet of GURU resulting in infinite bliss of love of truth . This happens with grace of GURU . More details of this process/phenomenon can be viewed in a blog on blessings of Lord Krishna & separately on a blog blessings of Mother Marry . This aspect is being shared not for ego boosting but for the sake of information of seekers though based on real life experience .
Human life is precious since blessed by GOD for a very important purpose . Aim of human life is to live a blissful life without any influence of ego . It means that we must do our duty to earn our bread & butter for self & family. Sathya Sai Baba has nicely redefined ego . He says that without enjoying bliss state of mind ,one is living a life driven by ego i.e. living with worldly desires of all kinds. It is easiest to enjoy bliss state while progressing in love of Guru as a family person . In the eyes of GOD , we are all females . However for a married female gender person in human life , it needs just one month effort whereas a Sage has to do put in 12 years of effort of meditation to enjoy bliss state of mind forever.
Service action facilitates reducing the ego from elephant size to electron size since it results in development of humility in our behavior. Old age beyond 50 years for a soldier & 65 years for a civilian is ideal time to do physical social service in love of society. I started social service in education at school level whereas in the Army service I had the fortune of training over 25000 soldiers as a training Major ( 1980-85).
Religion calls for infinite compassion in the heart since religion is the child of extreme compassion . Soul is the particle of electron size not visible to the naked eye nor it can be bombarded by neutrons from outside. In spiritual science soul is the product of divine love of GOD . Since the progress of divine love of truth with the grace of GOD results in penetration of mind , modern science has no clue about it . Divine love phenomenon is a different subject for modern scientist to understand or appreciate & hence is none of his business to comment. Whereas a saint has no problem with the actions of scientist or his business.
A saint appreciates the progress made by medical science . However psychiatry has very very limited knowledge of mind but there is a big scope of progress. Hence the inner engineering can prove to be useful for medical science in the field of ailments of mind i.e. depression etc…..So spirituality or spiritual science or religion is not in conflict with modern science at all. In this connection research work done by Dr Samuel Sandweis MD (Senior Psychiatrist) from Chicago USA is wonderful. His book , ” The Holy Baba & the Psychiatrist ” highlights all this existing gap of knowledge of mind.
Space element of the body is inside the forehead at the top of head & rest of the four elements constitute the body matter i.e. air , water, fire & earth . Modern social scientists approach the source of energy of our existence from outside the body i.e. through social physical service & then try to enter within . Looking within is a dialogue spoken by everyone as also looking up affair , in the absence of a Guru. This is the present psychology of the western education. It has been borrowed beautifully by the Indian scholars. Art of looking within & purifying the heart is the crux of inner engineering. But it becomes a simple affair with the love & grace of Guru . Guru blesses a approach of gaining practical knowledge of inner engineering by charging the source of energy . Here comes the phenomenon of true YOGA .
The personality of Guru is very important to understand & appreciate the super powers of his divine love to charge the soul/source present in the heart. Guru is a infinite treasure of divine LOVE & is described as Infinite bliss of love personified. The currency of divine love is Prabhu ka Naam since it is higher than GOD . Gist of VEDAS is Name Divine . NAAM is a state of deeply enjoying infinite bliss of love of truth inside our heart . Journey of soul from the anatomical to the spiritual heart is truly speaking spiritual science . Spiritual heart inside the body is place of Kingdom of GOD .
Do we need a physical Guru to facilitate us in charging our soul ?
Answer is a big NO !!!
Where do we find him ?
How can GOD leave the humanity without the presence of Guru ?
Lord Jesus , Lord Hazrat Mohamad Sahib, Lord Rama in Treta Yug , followed by Lord Krishna in Dwapar Yug blessed the humanity as messengers of GOD but we are now living in Kalyug i.e. modern times of technological development with internet , U Tube & F B facility of communication coupled with Boeing air crafts to travel & nice living & eating etc…….
Yes , GOD has been extra kind to bless the humanity to enjoy his love since over 547 years ago i.e. with the arrival of Sat Guru Nanak . He lived for over 238 years to spread the love fragrance of love of God & shared the infinite treasure of divine love i.e. Name Divine ( NAAM) . He did not go back but continues to live even now . Where is the location ?
Sat Guru Nanak was extra powerful spiritually & pleaded GOD for mercy in love of humanity to facilitate him to bring down his kingdom to the mother earth. GOD blessed him & allowed him to establish it on the mother earth at Amritsar , Punjab INDIA . This kingdom of GOD is known as Sri Harmandar Sahib ( Golden Temple) . Guru has thus positioned himself inside the Golden Temple to bless the humanity living in the world .
In this divine head quarters of GOD , over 1.5 lacs people enjoy free hot tasty food daily from the Langar ( Kitchen) since the year 1947…………….AMAZING INDEED !!!!
In addition to above at global level there are over 25,000 Gurudwaras ( Temples) where we find that over 10 million people are served with free food in love of Guru Granth Sahib …………..Commendable!!!
Fundamentally speaking , inner engineering is creating awareness about knowledge of kundalini powers which are latent in the human body. Body functions as desired by a blissful mind. The legacy of Lord Sathya Sai Baba is publishing a beautiful monthly magazine which continues to carry the treasure of divine love for the seekers
& has been priced at just Rs 06 only . But it is good to read it during ambrosial hours.
A blog has been posted for the seekers to enjoy the benefits of using kundalini powers & be a good human being . It is possible to awaken powers of kundalini from within in a matter of just 18 days with an effort of hardly 3 hours daily mantra chanting only once in life time irrespective of age, gender or caste , color & creed in a guaranteed manner.
With divine love
Fir more look at the youtube page of Satguru