mantra Yog
Gurbani ,” Koyee jan harr so devey Jorr…’’
( Anyone should connect me to GOD…..”)
(18 days therapy to fall in LOVE of GOD)
There is a strong need to spread the fragrance of Love of GOD in the society since people suffer from the bliss of love of materialism. Mind of a person suffers from pollution of all kinds in this world which is spread by the media/film industry. Is there a smart route available to enjoy bliss of love of God for a common man living on our beautiful planet ? God has created this world as a drama (angels vs devils) & enjoys to see it as his time pass. Life is a precious gift of God & man exists as a product of love of God. Society has many smart people who have taken over the role of acting as messengers of GOD.
This makes the situation even worse; very very sad indeed !!!. Is there a simple remedy available to a student in school/college/university or a young professional to overcome his superficial bliss of mind in this world of challenging nature & be a good human being ?
It is now being revealed benefiting one & all. This therapy of 18 days was blessed to the humanity of our planet by His Holiness Baba Nand Singh Jee, the greatest SAINT of last millennium ( 28 Nov 1868 to 29 Aug 1943) who successfully enjoyed the Love of Sat Guru Nanak ( Guru Granth Sahib ) i.e. NAAM DAAN.

‘’ Dhan Guru Nanak Tuhi hi Nirankar ‘’
2 These blessings were a result of humble submission for enjoying GOD’S LOVE of Sir Rai Bahadur Singh Jee , a famous contractor from DELHI since it was difficult for him/everyone to spare 3hrs time for meditation due to pressure of duty/work suffered to survive & make both ends meet!!! Hence the need of injection of GOD’S LOVE was revealed for the benefit of humanity . This incidence took place in the year 1939.
3 Prior to this Baba Nand Singh Jee had meditated for 12 long years wef the year 1896 to 1908 by chanting Mool Mantra for 35 million times without sleep even for a second.(See details of Mool Mantra).
4 The result of meditation was getting a boon of NAAM DAAN from Sat Guru Nanak . This is the latent gist/light of Vedas. Geeta of Brahmgiani Ashtawark Jee highlights the same content. Prabhu ka NAAM ( Name Divine) is supreme & is even higher than GOD .
Gurbani confirms ,
“ Vaddhha sahib uchha thaon ( God is great & lives above our universe)
Uchhey uppar uchha Naaon …’’ ( Still higher than HIM is his Name Divine )

5 NAAM is a state of enjoying Infinite Bliss of Love of Truth inside our heart ( Shabd GURU).
6 The therapy of 18 days implies that anyone (belonging to any religion) need to enjoy reciting/chanting/simrann of Guru Mantra (mantra yog) daily after taking bath & sitting with straight back position on a ground sheet/durry during ambrosial hours in sukhasan posture i.e. wef 0400 hrs to 0700 hrs at home (During Amrit Vela) ; not a very difficult/impossible task in life .

Bhagat KABEER JEE in his Gurbani highlight its importance & inspires & motivates & bless us all,
‘’ Raam japoo jeo aisesy aisey ( Enjoy remembering GOD in a your life )
Dhroov Prahlad japyo harr jaisey…….’’ ( As was done by young boys only 5 years old Prahlad & Dhroov )
7 This challenge of 18 days is to be taken up only once in life time. The result is getting pleasure of GOD & boon of enjoying GOD’S Love. This action/devotion is like getting an injection of GOD’S LOVE. How to start ??? One can begin it even with wef 0700 hrs & need not worry about his wavering mind during these meditation hours.In a week’s time one starts feeling the JOY. One becomes Fearless at heart & in mind !!!!!
8 Results are guaranteed for every seeker of truth belonging to any religion anywhere in the world.

9 The successful journey of life starts from this moment onwards wef the 19thday. You are blessed with full throttle blessings/love of GOD/Maa Saraswati Devi ( mantra yog) which results in shining of mind & this facilitates enjoying studies in school/college life/& thereafter.
10 His Holiness Sathya Sai Baba also desired that we as human beings must strive hard to enjoy GOD’S LOVE & be a good human being by conquering the mind.
11 The super power of this LOVE develops in you a strong positive attitude in life which is full of compassion in our heart.
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12 It also facilitates you to start enjoying daily stroll after bath during the sun rise for 25 minutes duration & get fully charged for the day’s work. (Mantra yog)
13 All negative feelings inside the heart i.e. hatred, jealousy & anguish etc… vanish since now you belong to the group of GOD’S beloveds. The digestive system improves tremendously & you feel hungry 3 times a day. You start moving in the direction of getting health bliss. AMAZING INDEED!!!!
14 Sanathan Sarthy is a monthly magazine in English & its reading during ambrosial hours gives you spiritual empowerment to perfect the art of speaking the truth & facilitates excellence in communication in English/Hindi/Punjabi etc. It contains discourse of His Holiness Sathya Sai Baba ( Geeta by Lord Krishna) in simple English.

15 Healthy/blissful mind alone makes a healthy body free from all kinds of ailments.
16 The people of other group who suffer from ego do not enjoy Love of GOD & are devoid of this Love since they try to follow the short cut by following the traits of Duryodhan / Ravan/ Hitler i.e Use of cigarettes, liquor, drugs, non veg & extra martial sex etc…..
17 Everybody desires to live the life of a good human being with humility & with an attitude of love in behavior i.e. enjoy excellent relationship with beloveds of GOD.
18 You are blessed with infinite compassion, immense tolerance power & blissful intelligence which results in realizing your hidden potential (powers) physical, mental, social & spiritual both to the full (infinite). Your listening skills of appreciation improve tremendously ( Kundalini awakening). Humility is the guard for protection of infinite powers physical & mental generated after kundaliny awakening . See a blog posted on this topic separately (click here)
19 It also results in making a head start in life. Your blissful attitude of love improves your learning intake power to almost infinite level.
20 Who will desire to miss this way of life & not be fearless since the parents & staff members at school & college have a serious concern to see the students blooming in life?
21 Life gifted by GOD is precious & its purpose is to enjoy GOD’S LOVE always & succeed to enjoy glimpse of his KINGDOM inside the spiritual heart. Education phase in life is to achieve academic as well as physical excellence with above mentioned smart cut of enjoying an injection of GOD’S LOVE & be a good human being.
References :-
1 Biography of Baba Nanad Singh Jee written by Bhai Gurmukh Singh.
2 Discourses of Sathya Sai Baba
3 Book on Management by Sathya Sai Baba
4 Sanathan Sarthy monthly magazine in English. – –
5 The Holy Baba & the Psychiatrist written by
Dr Samuel Sandweiss MD from California USA
7 The present main place of Baba Nand Singh Jee is situated at Village Kaleran, Tehseel Jagraon District Ludhiana globe in his LOVE.
However there are over 700 centers which are spread all over the globe . All the centers attract huge number of people of all castes as a kind of pilgrimage to facilitate them to fall in LOVE of GOD.

8 It is also worth visiting for a day in our life time the place Prashanthi Nilayum, Village Puttaparty District Anantpur Andhra Pradesh where you find a super specialty hospital giving treatment free of charge, international stadium, Sai University, auditorium, library, living accommodation for Visitors & the air port etc.

On his 75th birthday over a million people from 170 countries joined Him to enjoy his glimpse.
Mool Mantra
Ik Omngkar , satnaam , kartapurukh , nirbhaov,
Nirvair, akalmoorat , aajuni sahbhang , Gur
Prasad , Jap Aad Sachh , Jugad Sachh
Habhee Sachh Nanak Hossee Bhee Sachh
Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
Ek onkar on youtube by miss Pooja
1 For Sikhs …………… WAHEGURU
2 For Hindus……………RAAM
3 For Muslims…………Yaah Khuddah
4 For Christians………….GOD, GOD –
For more interesting details i.e. meeting Lord Krishna, Mother Marry, Dark blue eyed Sat Guru Nanak, Divine Head Quarters of GOD at AMRITSAR , kindly have a look at the blogs posted on the following website… the Speaking Tree of India

GOD bless you super powers of his LOVE !!!!!!.
The information shared is based on life experience during college days in MAY 1968 & is neither bookish nor aimed to boost my ego but is meant for seekers only.
It is
Ajeet Singh Mac
Formerly Major – –
Corps of EME INDORE-452014 15 JUL 2015
91 97556 48998 ,91-731-23300
For those seekers of truth , who find it difficult to take up the challenge , it is advisable for them that they should take a simple 18 days therapy i.e. After doing normal morning ablution & bath , one should observe morning stroll (slow walk) during rise time & watch the sun for changing its color orange red color into white which takes about 25 minutes . This exercise will eliminate laziness in mind & body as also will facilitate in accepting the challenge of chanting Guru Mantra wef 0400 hrs for 18 days to make a head start in life………………………………With GOD’S LOVE