GREETINGS ON GURPURAB ( 350 th Birthday)

Epitome of love
Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj Jee’s arrival ,on our planet, as the light of LOVE of GOD exactly 350 years ago in the famous city Patna , Capital of the State of Bihar INDIA, was the greatest moment/event of the history of man kind ever since this Universe came into existence. Prior to his arrival he had tremendous amount of success in his meditations while at HEMKUNT mountain ( Height of 14000 ft in Himalaya) in his last birth as narrated by him in his biography. This is the place where PANDWAS did their tapasyya , during Dwapar Yug & thus succeeded in enjoying LOVE of GOD . Guru Gobind had become ONE with the creator of our UNIVERSE . Latest photograph of the place of his meditation is appended below.

On call of GOD for spreading the LOVE of GOD on the mother earth , he humbly submitted his inability to do this gigantic task & asked for his mercy . To this humble submission, GOD promised him to give all out support to accomplish it & granted him the status of his SON. Gobind bowed before GOD & took his final order & a word of promise of help prior to start of his journey from the cosmos (space) world to the mother earth. The photograph below is the scene of over 500 pandits from Kashmir submitting their prayer to Guru Teg Bahadur for protecting their religion at the city of BLISS i.e. ANANDPUR. Guru Gobind seated next to his father (GURU) is seen inspiring his father to discuss the issue with the emperor Aurangjeb ruling India during the year 1675.

GOD has been defined as Infinite bliss(light) of LOVE of Truth personified (Dynamic & Vigilant) by SAT GURU NANAK JEE ( Absolute bliss non dual ).
GOD’S son was infinite bliss of LOVE for all beloveds of GOD of all existing religions of our planet. He inspired all living SAINTS to grow fearless in LOVE of GOD. Peer/Seer Bhikan Shah from PUNJAB, was great a beloved of GOD & experienced this flash of light about 900KM away from Patna. He moved from his village to reach Patna in six months time & enjoyed the glimpse of GOBIND who was a small child of few months then. He put a test for confirmation of his belief by offering two cups i.e. of milk & water .

These represented two sects i.e. Islam & Hindus respectively . His question was to know if he would favor Muslim (milk cup) or hindus(water) . The little child kicked both the cups which satisfied the PEER SAHIB that he will uphold the honor of all beloveds of GOD of all religions. He practiced secularism in true sense unlike being wrongly understood in democracy today. Since it does not trust in religion friendly approach which is unfair. He stated in his GURBANI ,
” Jinn prem keeyoo tinn hi prabhh paayoo….”
( He who falls in LOVE alone meets GOD)
It means that only those who fall in love of GOD get the eligibility to meet GOD.
GOBIND enjoyed the super powers of LOVE of GOD as his son & hence had the powers to change all the existing rules of salvation/ liberation/ Mukty etc….. known to humanity since ages. He blessed the humanity by baptizing them as KHALSA whom he addressed as his beloved son. But for this status to be enjoyed , He laid a strict code of discipline i.e. wearing of five Ks style of underwear, unshorn hair , steel bracelet/kara, sword & small comb/kanga. Most important part for the khalsa discipline was to recite GURBANI wef 0400 hrs to 0700 hrs daily to enjoy the company of GURU but only after enjoying a bath. This is the basic requirement to enjoy the super powers of his love just in a short period of 18 days in life during any phase/stage as promised & guaranteed by the greatest saint of the last millennium. For details , have a look at the blog posted on him.

Waah Waah Guru Gobind Singh Aape Gur Chela
Gurbani confirms ,
‘‘ AMRIT vela saachh naon Vadiyayee vichhar…”
( It means that ambrosial hours wef 0400 hrs to 0700 hrs are the best period of the day to enjoy love of Guru/GOD i.e. 3 hours prior to sun rise)
His beloved Baba Nand Singh Jee ( 28 NOV1868 to 28 AUG 1943 ) extended this boon to one & all belonging to any religion. This practice results in awakening of Kundaliny Powers & are to be enjoyed as physical & mental bliss both for living the life of a SAINT & a SOLDIER. This is not known to humanity at large extent even today & awareness needs to be created for youth group of humanity at UNO level. He emphasized a Jeewan Mukat ( life of liberation here & now ) way of life & removed the worry of getting it after death. He inspired & blessed one & all to adopt saint soldier attitude in life. People suffering from EGO find it difficult to understand this philosophy since they follow soldier saint attitude even though it is incorrect.
In his time , he had invited over 80,000 beloveds of NANAK from all over the world on 13 APR 1699 & put them to test by flashing his SWORD & asked/roared to offer their head unconditionally in love of GURU….. This test was taken by five sikhs & they became the five beloveds of GURU JEE. Thereafter by baptizing all , the creation of KHALSA (SAINT SOLDIER) took place at the City of Bliss, Anandpur Sahib , District Ropar , Punjab INDIA wef 13 APR 1699. This ARMY appeared on the planet as a result of top level pleasure of GOD & till today enjoys the shelter of MARTYRS during battles. KHALSA army has been assigned a role to defend a poor/weak person/society who is suffering from injustice to protect his/their style of enjoying LOVE of GOD if challenged by rulers in the world .

The city of Patna derives its name from this mission of GOBIND i.e. Uprooting the Tyrants. Prior to this event Gobind had successfully fought 14 battles in self defense by defeating the Hill Chiefs surrounding Anandpur Sahib. He demonstrated these powers of shooting his arrows in battle field aimed at the commanders of enemy forces & inspired & blessed his khalsa to always enjoy a decisive win over the enemy forces in self defense but never aimed to establish his own kingdom like Alexander.
Two of his own elder sons fought in battle field at Chamkaur against enemy forces of trained army of ten lakhs strength & became martyrs in LOVE of his philosophy. The other two younger sons defended his principles of LOVE of GOD , in a fearless manner though were bricked alive for taking this stand , at Fatehgarh Sahib , district Sarhind, PUNJAB, INDIA. It is highlighted that cost of this piece of land paid for their cremation was paid by the beloved of GURU which is the highest in the world. He blessed the humanity to enjoy a Jeewan Muktt way of life i.e. live like a liberated soul/body in LOVE of GOD since who knows about the guarantee of salvation/liberation/mukty after death as promised by earlier messengers of GOD.
Imagine the situation of ambrosial hours for enjoying GOD’S LOVE. GURU GOBIND always enjoyed listening to the singing of glory of GOD during ambrosial hours. He was requested to leave the City of Bliss Anandpur by the emperor Aurangjeb in the name of ALLAH MIAN . This he did & after crossing Sirsa River on 05 DEC 1704, singing of glory of GOD was done during ambrosial hours even though it was at the cost of loosing of 500 soldiers for defending the situation. He categorically mentioned that treasure of GOD’S LOVE collected & enjoyed by this act ,” Singing glory of GOD ” was far more superior in value as per collection of spiritual treasure & many times more valuable than loosing the lives of those soldiers .

This is the daily routine followed even today at Sri Darbar Sahib , Golden Temple, Amritsar , Punjab INDIA , being the Divine HQRS of GOD & is live telecast on PTC Channel for the welfare of humanity.
Gurbani confirms ,
” Maanas ki jatt sabhey ekey pachanbo…..”
( Regard human race as ONE )Guru Gobind Singh Jee said ,
” KHALSA is born free as a result of TOP level pleasure of GOD & hence tasked to liberate humanity suffering from the slavery of lack of knowledge of principles of LOVE of GOD ”.
Punjab is a land of martyrs & is the best in the world to enjoy a blissful journey of life. Gobind blessed a YOGEE named Madhoo Dass at Nander District & after baptizing him & renaming him as Banda Singh Bahadur, deputed him for the task for uprooting tyrants in Punjab. This was nicely accomplished in the year 1709 during the rule of Emperor Bahadur Shah.

Guru Gobind handed over the GURUDOM to Guru Granth Sahib prior to his departure from this earth. That means , Guru Nanak who came 544 years ago, continues to live & bless the humanity even today, highlighting the value & philosophy of NAAM. Since GOD’S NAAM is much higher than GOD. This has been blessed to KHALSA as NAAM DAAN, the biggest gift given by GOD to a living human being.
Gurbani confirms ,
” Vaddah sahib uchha thaon
Uchhey uppar uchha naon …”
NAAM is a stage of enjoying Infinite Bliss of LOVE of (TRUTH) GOD inside our heart thus enveloping the mind in a BLISS state of INFINITE NATURE & is higher than GOD.

Guru Gobind Singh Jee blessed his LOVE to the humanity to enjoy LOVE of GOD by inspiring & promising it by mentioning it in his Gurbani,
” Ek chitt jih ik chhin dhyayoo
Kaal phaas kai beechh na aayoo…..”
( It means that even if one is blessed to enjoy NAAM daan even for a fraction of second during The journey of life , he will be blessed & will never be reborn again . Rebirth means that one has to pass through the phase of HELL in the mother’s womb of 9 months duration )
The future of humanity belongs to KHALSA & its rule of LOVE will ensure that the curse of moon is removed by its super powers of LOVE . It will then appear daily in the night as FULL BLUE MOON during the fifth millennium . We are passing through times of transformation though remain busy in living a way of life of commercial progress. Gurbani confirms ,
” Koor kiryya urjheyoo sabh hi jag
Sri bhagwan ko bhed na paayoo….”
( Humanity is busy in the gains of worldly affairs & has lost the chance of finding
the secrets of the knowledge of GOD )
Video links for epitome of love

For creation of khalsa , two video links describing it in English can be viewed at the end of the blog .
KHALSA belongs to GOD
VICTORY belongs to GOD
Ajeet Singh Mac
Formerly Major
Corps of EME
Epitome of love
WAHEGURU ……Truly wonderful attempt to describe the creation of Khalsa . CONGRATS a million times !!!!

However it is pointed out that as per the report of the spy of the Emperor Aurangjeb that GURU had used his sword to cut the heads of five sikhs ( who offered their heads ) in front of the audience . After this GURU brought them to life & thus called them his five beloveds . What has been narrated dilutes the sanctity of the whole affair. KHALSA was not born by cutting the head/legs/limbs of a goat placed inside a tent & the sword of GURU dropping blood in the form of dropplets . Those who fail to agree to it , are none but duplicates in the name of KHALSA..
GURU & his ARMY of MARTYRS still continue to help & provide the shelter to the soldiers in need in the battle field . This is the light of truth. KHALSA is a saint first , who enjoys infinite bliss of love of truth ( NAAM) & is a fearless soldier later. Even today we find the presence of KHALSA in the modern army of countries all over the world ……….Commendable indeed !!!!
Those who offered their heads are Gurmukhs . Those who were sitting in the audience were Sannmukhs . Those who left the scene were Mannmukhs . Those who complained about this scene to Mata Gujri Jee were Bemukhs !!!! For more details , kindly do not hesitate to have a look at the blog posted on my website With divine love
With kind regards
Ajeet Singh Mac
The task of the anatomical heart is to purify 9000 liters of blood in 24 hours since energized by the power of love of electron size soul . Soul is a creation in divine love of GOD . GOD is super power of divine love i.e. TRUTH . However this knowledge is gained in LOVE of a perfect GURU. As on date we have ,” GURU GRANTH SAHIB ” ( THE SIKH SCRIPTURE) as our living GURU . It is a word of GOD in musical form & can be enjoyed on live telecast on PTC Channel from Golden Temple ( AMRITSAR INDIA ) wef 0400 hrs ……………….LOVE