
Bliss of enjoying fearlessness

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

 Bliss of enjoying Fearlessness

We are passing through the week of celebrations in love of arrival day ( LIGHT of ARRIVAL ) of SAT GURU NANAK here as well as all over the world . The final day is 04 NOV 2017.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba used to celebrate this day every year & during this day’s celebrations in the year 2010 , he sat down with his beloveds (over 5000) & did chanting of WAHEGURU Mantra for 48 hrs at a stretch . Thereafter he prayed to BABA NANAK to bless his beloveds SANGAT & PANGAT .

Enjoying fearlessness
GURU Nanak

SANGAT means singing glory of GOD in a gathering in presence of GURU GRANTH SAHIB (The Holy Sikh Scripture) as we find in Golden Temple for over 20 hrs daily .

PANGAT means enjoying daily free hot tasty meals while sitting together irrespective of cast , religion , rank / status in the society i.e. SIGN of EQUALITY.

Normally we suffer in our feelings from fear of various kinds which is difficult to describe . At its extreme intensity , threatening to your existence is the most difficult situation in life to face. How to face it ? I have faced it many times in life but with calmness even if it meant to loose my life forever. The saving of life takes place only because of super powers of grace of GURU/GOD.

Is it possible to avoid any such unexpected situation in life ??

Answer is simply no !!!!!

Can we prepare ourselves to become free from fear of all such incidents of future ?

Answer is yes !!!

But how to go about it ?

I have posted a blog ,” Injection of GOD’S Love ” on this website which facilitates to make a head start of being fearless in life. Truth in mind , word of truth in our speech & truth in our action is the need of living a fearless life i.e. your thought , word of mouth & deed should be at the same wavelength.

Enjoying divine love of truth ( Guru/God) leads to bliss of mind . This blissfulness
results in feeling fearlessness in the heart . Electron size soul lives in the heart & its penetration into mind brings bliss to mind . Mind is the child of soul . All religions dictate us to have infinite compassion in the heart since religion is the child of compassion.

GURU/GOD has been defined as ,” Infinite bliss of love of truth personified ”.

Is there any item in this universe higher than GURU/GOD ?

YES……………..Only one thing exists in this cosmos !!!!

What is it ?

Name divine or NAAM or Prabhu ka NAAM .

Enjoying NAAM is a state of enjoying Infinite bliss of love of truth inside our
heart & is a result of getting boon from Guru/God . It is the rarest of rare boon .
This boon facilitates you to enjoy bliss of fearlessness. Experiencing it even for
a fraction of second is enough to make us fearless in life . Soldiering becomes
blissful only after it .

A blog on this topic appears in this website explaining it in detail . It is worth
viewing . GOD desires from each one of us to live our life with bliss to mind
since it is the purpose of his gift to us this precious human life. In the eyes of
GOD , we are all females . GOD alone is the male .

Video link of Sadhguru Vasudev Jaggi Jee is also relevant to view it as appended below.

With divine love

Ajeet Singh Mac


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About Ajeet Sing Mac

Ajeet Singh Mac , INDORE-452014
View all posts by Ajeet Sing Mac →

2 thoughts on “Bliss of enjoying fearlessness

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