Blessing, Krishna

Blessings of Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna

Blessings of Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna

I wish to share the most memorable incidence of my life when I was first blessed by Lord Krishna.

Prior to my birth, my Rev. Mother had meditated on the powers of  LOVE of Lord Krishna for over 7 months. My Rev. Mother strictly followed the principle of divine love of MATTA DEVKI as highlighted in GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE (THE HOLY SCRIPTURE).

She had to face most challenging times during these 9 months , being in the joint family, in the absence of my father since he was away on duty. I arrived in this world at Indore at 0100 hrs on 10 DEC 1948. During my childhood days at school, we used to  do Aarti at home in the evening ,


Golden Temple Amritsar
Golden Temple Amritsar

This evening prayer always facilitated  in getting good results in exams of all the children, we were 4 in number, at home. The fifth one joined us on our demand to have a little baby to play with, though GOD sent him to join us after a spell of ten years .

My Rev. Father was an Engineer in CPWD but a very pious person. Mother used to read the life story of Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj during summer holidays after dinner for an hour every year. This had laid the foundation of the need to fall in LOVE of GURU at an early stage of life & I tried it out during my college days.

I was fortunate to be  blessed with NAAM  i.e. Infinite Bliss of LOVE of TRUTH by GURU JEE on 25 MAY 1968 wef 0730 hrs to 1100 hrs prior to taking exam of Control System while in IV Year of Engineering at Sri Govind Ram Saxseria Institute of Technology & Science, INDORE. This institute had the best living SAINTS as Professors, who were highly qualified & best paid in the country……… Kind courtsey & super level intelligence approach for his love of students of  SIR Dr Dass Gupta , the DIRECTOR.

I joined the global best Indian Military Academy Dehradun  on 22 JUL 1970 & was commissioned as Lieutenant on 13 JUN 1971.Took part in Bangladesh liberation war as an officer of Corps of Signals & was responsible to intercept the wireless communication taking place between Gen Niazee of East Pakistan  & Field Marshal Yyayya Khan of  West Pakistan during the war period of 14 days.

It was afternoon time on 24 MAY 1978 while serving as a Captain now in Corps of EME & was serving  78 Med Regt on J & K Borders. At 4 PM, I was having tea  with  Sqn Leader SR Sharma, an Indian Air Force Officer. He mentioned to me about Lord Sathya Sai BABA & his glory. BABA was around 52 years of age then. Hearing a lot about wonderful deeds/discourses of BABA & his comparison with LORD KRISHNA , it did not appeal to me favorable at all. I asked him to stop talking further since I just could not believe all this or trust him though he was quite rational in his talk. Rather I went to the extent of asking him & suggested to him that he should never in future tell all this to a SIKH OFFICER who normally enjoy LOVE of GURU.Talking about BABA as living LORD KRISHNA by him was not palatable at all.

However not withstanding any thing against Baba mentioned above I submitted my humble prayers in the evening during dusk time  to SAT GURU GRANTH  SAHIB JEE ie Our Living Guru Nanak  with a  condition put along , “ That if whatever has been said by Sqn Ldr Sharma about Sathya Sai Baba as living LORD KRISHNA is TRUE , though I very much doubt it , do kindly advise BABA to bless me & grant us His GLIMPSE. However if it is not TRUE , kindly do not disturb him at all ”. We had dinner together & after a walk went to bed at 9.45 PM.

This was a phase of my life while I was enjoying a highly blissful life & had been blessed to be the father of  daughter & a son. My wife had to undergo caesarian operation twice to bring down these two angels into this world. How much grateful I was towards her & to the GOD, it is difficult to express the feelings of gratitude.

It was 0355 hrs on 25 MAY 1978 , I felt INFINITE BLISS of LIGHT ie PRAKASH inside my heart which was further increasing in its level with passage of every second  though I was sleeping to glory. Lord Sathya Sai Baba had put his lotus feet on my heart !!!!!


I travelled inside my body from head to the thumb of  my each feet & hand.  It was all Golden BLISS. After about 2 minutes I put a question to myself “Who has come to meet me?? Kindly share your form or personality !!!’’ This took over a minute that BLISS level came  to zero watt level. Now I was fully awake & got up & put on my table lamp. I saw my watch, it was 0400 hrs. Lord Sathya Sai Baba was standing physically right in front about a foot distance away from my bed & blessing me with his right hand palm. I asked Sharma sir to kindly wake up !!!!’’.  This call was repeated thrice. Sharma Jee now got up after two minutes of my determined effort to wake him up.

It was 0403 hrs now . BABA started moving towards the door. He took about 11 steps. Sharma Jee enjoyed the glimpse i.e. backside of BABA during the last 5 steps, Baba took to reach the hanging green curtains of the door. He could only look at the back side of Baba for less than 16 seconds. BABA was wearing orange red robe & had a blooming face & with  his right hand showering his BLESSINGS of LOVE.

Now both of us were awake & discussed about BABA & his extra ordinary kindness to shower his LOVE & BLESSINGS on us in physical form .Thereafter about 13 years I was lucky to visit Puttparthy on 08 AUG 1991 & enjoyed his physical glimpse for 3 days. This was made possible by kind courtesy of (L) Shri Indra Mani Misra Jee, freedom fighter from district KHANDWA. He desired allotment of a petrol pump but had failed in life misserably. I convinced him by telling , ” Your desire will be met favourably by the blessings of Lord Krishna who lives in Puttaparthy but you have to go with the feelings of SUDAMA JEE.” Shri Misra Jee took it as a JOKE but was kind to take me in II AC Sleeper as his guide as was allowed in railway pass issued to him. However at the start of the journey , he mentioned to be my best friend/slave  & promised me to take me to golden temple as & whaen desired by me after success !!!!!”

During our stay at Puttaparthy we enjoyed rest  in a nice room with attached bathing & toilet  facility on paying daily rent of Rs 06.00 only .We could not get an interview with BABA during our stay though BABA’S glimpse was enjoyed 8 times. On 09 AUG 1991 at 0700 hrs when Baba stepped out of the temple veranda , I observed showering of flowers by the ANGELS from a height of about 25  ft over the visitors seated in the lawn who were over 1500 in number. I met many people from Iran , Switzerland after every glimse of one hour duration etc..Baba was extremely kind to move through the seated people which took exactly one hour , by blessing  many of us i.e. taking a letter of request , allowing pad namaskar, giving vibhuti etc… I did have eye contact with Baba but could not give him a post card held in my hand.

This convinced Misra Jee that his joke was correct. However I still assured him with double amount of confidence & trust  that he will get the patrol pump but we should rush to DELHI. There was a need to meet the Union Minister in person.Captain Satish Sharma , the then Union Govt Minister , was extremy kind to allot the petrol pump to Shri Misra Jee instantly in this meeting on 17 AUG 1991 & even offered a nice cup of tea with biscuts . He mentioned during the meeting that he was feeling on that day  as if  he was waiting to meet someone unknown to him !!!!

Prior to above visit to Puttaparthy,  I had met Col Tez Singh ( Swamy Tejanand Jee) from Sailana State in Ratlam District of Madhya Pradesh  who had served BABA for over 5 years , while I was serving as SAINIK WELFARE OFFICER with MP Govt at INDORE wef OCT 1987-92. This great saint (Colonel)  had a desire to meet (L) Shri Rajiv Gandhi Jee in 1989 . His aim of meeting was to become a freedom fighter. I asked him to write a single line letter to Shri Rajiv Jee, the then Prime Minister to check his power of communication. For me it proved to be a great learning of communication skills in life.

Colonel was very intelligent & wrote on a white paper
” My dear Rajeev Gandhi , I want to give you my blessings
……Swamy Tejanand”

I sent this letter along with my DO Letter addressed to Mr Gorge, PA to Prime Minister . Rajivee Gandhi , along with Sonia Jee,  came rushing to meet Swamy Jee within a fortnight & declared him a freedom fighter since Swamy Jee had saved the life of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru during QUIT INDIA 1942 MOVEMENT . Though for this act , he was punished & moved from Allahbad to MHOW & put under arrest for 23 days & demoted from Captain’s rank to Lieutenant. He was thereafter sent  to participate in II World War later . At last  Swamy Jee served as TRUSTEE with Onkareshwar Temple on behalf of GOVT.  Here I would like to share that I have always enjoyed the powers of LOVE of the dust of feet of living saints in my life.

There have been many incidents in my life where BABA came to bless me in tackling beaurocrats favourably with challenging problems that seemed impossible. BABA is in fact INFINITE BLISS of LOVE of TRUTH personified.
I feel happy to  mention here that I was blessed with a GLIMPSE of LORD KRISHNA in my life even though I still do not understand till today the meaning of  ASTAWARK   GEETA. But I do try to qualify for getting the BLISS of freindship of BHAGAT KABEER JEE as advised by him,



I am a humble seeker & even to understand Gurbani is quite difficult for me since it appears to be a  Billion dollar challenge at this age of 65 plus.

We all belong to a singular father ,” GOD ” since Gurbani confirms it ,

I certify that this BLOG is focused with a single aim to  ”No ego boosting Nor any kind of harsh feelings towards anyone but with profound regards.”
I have been inspired , to share this incidence of meeting/being blessed by  Lord Krishna in my life ,by Seema Burman , an eminent member of The Speaking Tree.




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About Major Ajeet

Ajeet Singh Mac Formerly Major Corps of EME
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